Schedule 2015 Symposium | CASA Research and Development | SIU

Southern Illinois University




8:00am - 9:00am 

Registration and Refreshment

9:00am - 9:15am (Old Main Room)

Welcome Address

Dr. William Bradley Colwell, SIUC Interim Chancellor
Dr. Andy Wang, Dean of CASA
Dr. Andrey Soares, Chair of the CASA Research Symposium

9:30am - 12:00pm (Library Auditorium)

IBM Watson Analytics Workshop

9:30am - 10:30am 

Session 1 (Mississippi Room)

1.    Using the Guideline Elements Model (GEM) for Improving the Smoking Cessations Rule-Based System

        Alireza Khamesipour, Andrey Soares, and Joan M. Davis | Southern Illinois University

2.    Effect of Smoking on Newborn Weight and Length at Birth by Using the K-Means Clustering

        Tj Oh, Won Jun Choi, Stephen Park, and Sam Chung | Southern Illinois University

3.    Development and Submission of an Academic Research Enhancement Award (NIH-R15/PA-13-313) Grant To Further Develop and Test a Computer-based Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) to Assist Health Care Providers Offering Evidence-based Tobacco Cessation

        Joan Davis | Southern Illinois University 

Session 2 (Kaskaskia/Missouri Room)

1.    Flesch-Kincaid Reading Grade Level Re-examined: Creating a Uniform Method for Calculating Readability on a Certification Exam

        Emily Neuhoff, Kristiana Feeser, Kayla Sutherland and Thomas Hovatter | Southern Illinois University

2.    Cyberlearning: Enhancing 3D Spatial Visualization Skills while Reducing the Gender Gap

        Michael Brazley | Southern Illinois University

3.    One Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Environments in Small, Private Schools

        Heather Taylor | Southern Illinois University 

10:30am - 10:45am

Session Break + Refreshments

10:45am - 12:00pm

Session 3 (Mississippi Room)

1.    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type I

        Max Richardson and Sandi Watts | Southern Illinois University

2.    The Spine and the Pelvis: A Dynamic Relationship

        Andy Hayden, Dr. Howard Place, and Ann Hayes | St. Louis University

3.    Increasing Flexural Strength, Setting Time, and Effects of Light-, Self-, and Tack-Curing on Degree of Conversion for a Dental Composite

        Won Jun Choi | Southern Illinois University 

Session 4 (Kaskaskia/Missouri Room)

1.    SMS Software at Airports: A PEGASAS Grant

        Michael Robertson, Matt Romero, Steve Goetz, and Bryan Harrison | Southern Illinois University

2.    Vehicle Clustering by Manufacturer Region Using the K-means Clustering Machine Learning Algorithm

        Younjae Kim and Enoch Hwang | Southern Illinois University

3.    Envisioning Automated Vehicles within the Built Environment: 2020, 2035, 2050

        Shannon McDonald | Southern Illinois University

12:00pm - 1:00pm (Old Main Room)

Lunch + Guest Speaker

Dr. Susan M. Ford, SIUC, Interim Provost

1:00pm - 3:00pm (Old Main Lounge)

Poster Presentation + Student Poster Competition

  1. The Veterans Affairs Health System: Allegations, Investigations, and Leadership Changes
    Cristian Lieneck, Sandra Collins and James Stephens
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  2. Big Data in Health Care: History, Innovative Uses, & Future Possibilities
    Sandra Collins, Marcea Walter and Kevin Rush 
    School of Allied Health | Southern Illinois University
    American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
  3. Deficiency of Knowledge Among University Students and HPV Related Cancers: An Evolving Public Health Problem
    Kyle Chamness, Marcea Walter, Sandra Collins, Richard McKinnies, Jennifer Sherry, Anthony Fleege and Scott Collins.
    School of Allied Health | Southern Illinois University

  4. Achieving a Bicycle Friendly University
    Jessica Birelo, Kelsey Kauffman, Shannon McDonald and Audrey Wagner
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University

  5. Electric Charging Stations for SIU and the City of Carbondale
    Diogenes Guimaraes, Shannon McDonald and Audrey Wagner
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University

  6. Is Big Data the Final Solution for Insurance Fraud?
    Ellen Beasley, Steven Begando, Eric Braun, Alexandria Burk and Sandra Collins
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  7. Ethical Issues of Electronic Medical Record Systems
    Shanell Smith, Michelle Summers, Casey Stoneburner, Jessica Sortino and Sandra Collins
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  8. Top Priorities in Health Care Compliance Programs
    Haley Pangburn, Joshua Paxton, Maria Palmerin, Sandra Collins and Ashlee Smith
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  9. PQRS and MU: Is It More Than Just Alphabet Soup?
    Sarah Lohman, Jessica Hancock, Brielle Hawkins, Sydney Hancock and Sandra Collins
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  10. GUM: Give Us More
    Rebecca Williams and Jenna Golden
    Dental Hygiene | Southern Illinois University

  11. Build-A-Baby Workshop
    Sarah Lohman
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  12. Nonlinear Shopping Experience on Tourist Commodities information system
    Chieh Jen Chen and Shao Huan Chen
    Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
  13. Agricultural Department Ticket System for IST 404 Fall 2015 – Information Technology Project Management
    Justin Harper, Chase Shyrock, Anthony Barnes, Marcus Wood and Nancy Martin
    Information Systems Technologies | Southern Illinois University

  14. Artist Website
    Kurt Hammond, Timothy Cornwell, Ebifamini Fetepigi and Nancy Martin
    Information Systems Technologies | Southern Illinois University

  15. Is SMART the Cure for Employee Burnout?
    Ellen Beasley
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  16. Inter-Connectivity of the ARTS: transformations through scientific interpretations 
    Natalia Hajduk
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University

  17. Ridgway First Baptist Church Website for IST 404 Information Technology Project Management Fall 2015
    Jon Moye, William Taylor, Neal Wachter, Tyler Winkleman and Nancy Martin
    Information Systems Technologies | Southern Illinois University

  18. Manufactured Architecture: Prefabricating a Mid-rise Urban Development
    Aaron Neal
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University

  19. Planned Community : Re-purposing Magnolia Development 
    Joshua West
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University

  20. K-means Clustering of Airline On-Time Performance Statistics
    Andrew Kang, Soonkyu Kwon, Matthew Cho, Stephen Park and Sam Chung
    Aviation Management | Southern Illinois University

  21. Vulnerability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’ Navigation Systems
    Hyungsub Jung, Andrew Kang and Keven Mitchell
    Aviation Technologies | Southern Illinois University

  22. Architectural Tectonics in Contemporary Design
    Aaron Neal and Robert Konzelmann
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University

  23. Exploring Consumers’ Attitudes toward Fashion Technology
    Kelsey Wallace and Seung-Hee Lee
    Fashion Design Merchandising | Southern Illinois University

  24. Open Air Museum of Abandoned Buildings
    Gazang Othman
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University 
  25. Faner in 3D for IST 404 – Information Technology Project Management
    Heather Koch, Charlton Kilpatrick, Paul Scott, Matt Barber and Nancy Martin
    Information Systems Technologies | Southern Illinois University

  26. Right to Life and Right to Die: The Controversy Continues
    Adrian Martinez, Christopher Oliver, Vanessa Nega, Brock McGee and Sandra Collins
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  27. Forces Driving Organ Trafficking
    Christine Swartz, Alex Vandeloo, Neimoya Woods, Chauncey Travis and Sandra Collins
    Health Care Management | Southern Illinois University

  28. Designing a Winery
    Jarett Dewitt
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University

  29. Development of Agile Project Management Tool
    Daniel Ninness and Andrey Soares
    Information Systems Technologies | Southern Illinois University

  30. MIT App Inventor Open Source Development
    Adam Woodworth and Andrey Soares
    Information Systems Technologies | Southern Illinois University

  31. A Museum That Bridges the Gap Between Experimental Art and Impermanence, The EXART
    Robert Lyons
    Architecture Studies | Southern Illinois University

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Session 5 (Mississippi Room)

1.    Defining Architectural Transdisciplinary Research

        Catalina Freixas | Washington University

2.    The Phenomenological Evaluation of Teaching Professionalism in the Architecture Design Studio Culture: A Case at the University of Kansas

        Maryam Ashkan | University of Kansas

3.    Investigating the Tectonic: Exploring the Intersections of Architecture

        Chad Schwartz | School of Architecture 

Session 6 (Kaskaskia/Missouri Room)

1.    Active Learning Based Applied Data Analytics Workshop Series with RStudio

        Yeonhoon Park and Honggyoon Jung | Southern Illinois University

2.    Visual Mapping Solutions for Organized Healthcare Research

        Les Jebson and Sandra Collins | Southern Illinois University

3.    Measuring the Information Security Standing of Nonprofit Organizations

        Tom Imboden | Southern Illinois University 

1:30pm - 3:00pm (Old Main Room)

Panel Discussion: Big Data & Analytics

Moderator: Dr. Kyle L. Harfst, Executive Director of the SIU Research Park


  • Steven Miller
    Global Leader Academic Programs for IBM Analytics
  • Kevin Rush
    Senior Director of Credentialing Operations at American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)
  • Dr. Shahram Rahimi
    Chair and Professor of Computer Science at Southern Illinois University
  • Reggie Townsend
    Principal, Health & Life Sciences Professional Services at SAS Institute, Inc.

2:00pm - 2:15pm

Session Break

2:15pm - 3:15pm

Session 7 (Mississippi Room)

1.    NSF-Funded Project: Teaching Cryptography through Hands-On Learning and Case Studies

        Andy Wang | Southern Illinois University

2.    The Wotan Beowulf Cluster Project

        Carson Wang, Krist Pregracke, Abdullah Hariri, Sam Chung, Mahir Morshed, and Sarah McQuarrie | Carbondale Community High School in collaboration with SIUC

3.    Creating an Active Learning Classroom to Learn Penetration Testing

        Abdullah Hariri and Sam Chung | Southern Illinois University 

Session 8 (Kaskaskia/Missouri Room)

1.    Results of Implementation of “Mistake-Proofing” Methods on Ignition Test Equipment When Operated by College-Level Students

        Donald Bartlett | Southern Illinois University

2.    An Evaluation of the Use of Existing Networked Computer Resources for Big Data Processing

        Steve Goetz | Southern Illinois University

3.    Do NTSB Fatality Statistics Support Current FAA Medical Policy for Private Pilots?

        Don Morris | Southern Illinois University

3:15pm - 3:30pm


3:30pm - 4:00pm (Old Main Room)

Award Presentation and Closing remarks

Dr. Yueh-Ting Lee, Dean of the Graduate School
Dr. Rodrigo Carraminana, Director of CURCA
Dr. Andy Wang, Dean of CASA
Dr. Andrey Soares, Chair of CASA Research Committee